Currently I'm neck deep studying for a big exam I have to take at the end of this month. That being said, I don't really get out from behind a desk very often (either at home or at work). However, I did take a break from my studying early one September Sunday evening to celebrate my Aunt's birthday. I lived with my Aunt for two summers and a christmas break while working as an intern in Dallas before I graduated college. My Aunt welcomed me into her home with open arms and has been a great example of Christ's love. I am very grateful to have been blessed with that time with her.

My new plan involved cake that I'm almost ashamed to admit didn't take much work at all. I decided to make an Icebox Cake. I had recently read a few rave reviews about Icebox cakes, so I decided to give it a try. As it turns out, even though they are really easy to make, they are absolutely fabulous! Thankfully it was a big hit! Everyone who tried a piece loved it. The hardest part of this cake was finding the cookies. I went to 4 different grocery stores and finally found the Nabisco Chocolate Wafers at a Tom Thumb (so I would start by looking there if I were you). Nabisco Chocolate Wafers were the first cookies used in Icebox cakes and are supposively the best kind to use in this cake. I would imagine if you couldn't find these wafers, any chocolate wafer would work, or even oreo's, but then you'd have to scrape out the cream (who wants even more work). On the way home from dinner my husband and I discussed ways to make it next time to make it even better. Because I think raspberries and chocolate
3 cups heavy cream
3 Tbs sugar
1 Tbs vanilla extract
2 Tbs raspberry liqueur, optional
2 (9-ounce) packages chocolate wafer cookies
With an electric mixer beat cream, sugar, vanilla and raspberry liqueur until soft peaks form.
On a serving plate arrange cookies in a circle (I used 7 cookies for each layer)
Spread cookies with about 1/2 cup of cream.
Repeat with remaining cookies and cream.
I made 11 layers total, but total layers may vary depending on how many cookies you use for the base of your cake.
Once you have assembled your cake, cover and put in the fridge overnight.
**Put the cake BEHIND the wine...I have no idea what I was thinking on this one...of COURSE you deserve a drink after making this, so do yourself a favor and don't make it hard on yourself. :P
Before serving you can drizzle a raspberry sauce, sprinkle chocolate shavings, dust with cocoa powder, or just leave as is....the possibilities are endless!
Next time I make this cake I'm making a raspberry coulis to go between the layers, but that just makes the recipe a bit more time consuming, so I decided to leave that part out of the written recipe.
When you cut into the cake the next day, the cookies have absorbed the moisture from the cream, and the whole thing is really soft.
Serve the birthday girl first.
Amanda's Tips:
It can be a little difficult to spread the first couple of layers of cookies with whipped cream because they want to slide around, so I would highly suggest transfering your whipped cream into a pastry bag or a ziplock with a hole cut in a corner that way you can top the layers easier.
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